Saturday, September 01, 2007

Your first birthday!!

Quetzalli, today is your first birthday. Today is the day in which you reached one year of life in this world. It went so fast, that it is still incredible that you are now one year old.

One year ago, your mommy and you went to face destiny. It was the time in which both of you, joined by the eternal link of mother and offspring, fought for life and survival. The ancients talked about a cosmic battle, the birth of a child. The Toltecs said that the mother, victorious over adversity, would get to keep the captive. In this case, the baby. If the mother failed, death would have taken her baby as captive. It is a natural and constant battle, necessary to make the stark distinction between survival and dismay, between life and death. Otherwise, there would be no division between life and death, and hence existance would cease to exist blurred by such universal inconsistencies.

Therefore we need those contrasts in life, Quetzalli. There has to be evil in order for goodness and kindness to exist. There has to be cruelty in order for love and care to be in our reach. You are a survivor, Quetzalli! Premature, against all odds, and you still courageously resisted to have a chance for life in this world.

Your mommy and me love you so much Quetzalli. Sometimes we think we want to give you the entire world to your feet. Our love for you is so grand, that it may even survive time and death. Please remember, Quetzalli, that I will always be inhabit in your heart. During the time we will have together here on Earth, I will do my best to help you, protect you, cherish you, and love you. And even if time does not permit us to be long enough, be assure, my dear girl, that I will always look up for you. That is my promise to you. That even when I go, to live amongst the bright stars of the eternal night, I will be your beacon. I will be always for you, at least, to love you. You are my reason to exist right now, and it will be the reason for conscious and love to survive time into the mists of eternity to always be with you.

I love you so much Quetzalli! Please, remember me in every birthday you have in your life. Remember your mom too. We merged our love to create you. Not chance nor casuality was the reason of your existance, but true love emerged from the deepest of our souls. Always remember our love for you in future birthdays. I love you Quetzalli, and wish for you many more birthdays! Let life be kind and wise with you! Let death spare you time and health!

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