Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Quetzalli playing with the printer ports
Sometimes I stay late night doing work or projects in the computer. Very late. Eventually Quetzalli and her mommy come and visit me at the computer. But Quetzalli only comes with the purpose of playing. Sometimes she plays with a plastic moon, basically a rubber ball with craters brought from NASA. Quetzalli likes to bounce the moon ball towards me. It is fun to play with her. And she likes it.
But sometimes Quetzalli comes with the intention to make disorder. She grabs everything that is at her reach. Anything! This can be very frustrating sometimes, because toddlers are very eager to grab and discover things hands-on. Quetzalli is likewise a grabber. She grabs, and then bites, everything. Here, in this funny video, Quetzalli is playing with the printer ports. Old ports by the way. She likes to play, like in this case, by giving things she grabs to her mommy or to me. Here you can see Quetzalli taking the printer ports with her little hands, and then handing them to her mommy. This is funny, she does this all the time. Sometimes she is eating, and she would graciously offer us some of her food.
This night was a chilly night because of an early cold front. So they were with me in the computer. And then Quetzalli started playing by giving the ports to her mommy. Everytime Quetzalli gives us anything, we say to her "gracias".
Excited baby Quetzalli
Bebe Quetzalli emocionada. This one is from June of 2007.
A Quetzalli le gusta mucho emocionarse. Siempre le emocionan las cosas divertidas o fuera de lo comun. Por lo general se emociona con las cosas que yo tengo, como mi camara. Siempre ha sido una bebe muy contenta, y le gusta mucho divertirse con lo que va descubriendo.
Quetzalli riding a radio flyer
This is video was taken in May. I forgot to put it, but it is still interesting.
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Your first birthday!!
One year ago, your mommy and you went to face destiny. It was the time in which both of you, joined by the eternal link of mother and offspring, fought for life and survival. The ancients talked about a cosmic battle, the birth of a child. The Toltecs said that the mother, victorious over adversity, would get to keep the captive. In this case, the baby. If the mother failed, death would have taken her baby as captive. It is a natural and constant battle, necessary to make the stark distinction between survival and dismay, between life and death. Otherwise, there would be no division between life and death, and hence existance would cease to exist blurred by such universal inconsistencies.
Therefore we need those contrasts in life, Quetzalli. There has to be evil in order for goodness and kindness to exist. There has to be cruelty in order for love and care to be in our reach. You are a survivor, Quetzalli! Premature, against all odds, and you still courageously resisted to have a chance for life in this world.
Your mommy and me love you so much Quetzalli. Sometimes we think we want to give you the entire world to your feet. Our love for you is so grand, that it may even survive time and death. Please remember, Quetzalli, that I will always be inhabit in your heart. During the time we will have together here on Earth, I will do my best to help you, protect you, cherish you, and love you. And even if time does not permit us to be long enough, be assure, my dear girl, that I will always look up for you. That is my promise to you. That even when I go, to live amongst the bright stars of the eternal night, I will be your beacon. I will be always for you, at least, to love you. You are my reason to exist right now, and it will be the reason for conscious and love to survive time into the mists of eternity to always be with you.
I love you so much Quetzalli! Please, remember me in every birthday you have in your life. Remember your mom too. We merged our love to create you. Not chance nor casuality was the reason of your existance, but true love emerged from the deepest of our souls. Always remember our love for you in future birthdays. I love you Quetzalli, and wish for you many more birthdays! Let life be kind and wise with you! Let death spare you time and health!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
You can sit by your own.
Yesterday, Monday April 23, 2007, at around 12:05 am you sat by yourself on the bed. You mommy was playing with you, and she kept you sitting. But when she turned to get something, she noticed that you were sitting all by your own! Usually, when you were left alone sitting in the bed or somewhere flat, you would eventually fall to one side. But this time you kept your back straight, sustaining yourself. What was funny was that you didn't noticed, because you were playing with your toys. At some point, you dropped one toy to grab another one near you. But you did not fall at all. It was great. You mommy and me are so excited about it.
Of course, after a long time being sitting sustaining yourself, you obviously fell to one side. But it's a beginning. You're seven and a half months old, and you're beginning to show a lot of stuff that you couldn't manage to do. Especially with moving hands, arms, legs, and even your head.
Sometimes you are liying in bed, and then you move your head as if you wanted to get up. This happens when you want to see television, or when you are just tired of playing in the bed.
When we go to restaurants, they offer us a small chair for you. But we always tell them that you are still too young to sustain yourself in a sitting position. Maybe this is about to change.
Also, your mommy has reported that you are beginning to eat more. Apparently you are eating almost half of a small glass Gerber-recipient a day. We need to buy you more food.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Le gusta morder! Le gusta balbucear!
A veces te desesperas tanto mordiendo, que hasta te enojas. A veces gritas, a veces tiras las cosas. En algunas ocasiones nos descuidamos tu mami y yo, y ya andas agarrando tu ropita sucia, el pan, nuestra comida, o alguna botella de refresco.
A tu mami le gusta darte tus jugetitos para que los muerdas. Pero el problema es que los tiras mucho, y tenemos que estarlos lavando a cada rato. Eres una baby muy traviesa. Dice tu mami que estas muy consentidita. Y yo digo que no hay problema, porque eres muy bonita y preciosa.
By the way, you are starting to say more baby talk! At first they were just random sounds and noices, or at least they seemed to be random. But now you are able to pronounce your first silable. This happened last Friday April 13. Your mommy taped you in the video camera. Apparently you started babbling "da da". But as the weekend progressed, we are now hearing something something different, but still sounds the same. Some times you just start yelling and screaming "da da da da da". It's really funny how you move you lips and push your tongue against your gums.
Well, see you later baby Quetzalli, and I will keep fighting for you.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Quetzalli comienza lentamente a comer
Desde su nacimiento, Quetzalli ha adquirido sus alimentos por medio de leche materna. Es decir, de pecho de su mami. Incluso todavia hoy la mayoria de su alimento proviene de pecho materno. A muchos les a disgustado la idea, a otros no y nos han apoyado a Erika y a mi. Unos siguen apegados a ideas arcaicas de mediados de siglo XX, tiempo en que los babies comian formulas y alimento preparado tipo Gerber. Pero incluso el propio pediatra de Quetzalli ha dicho que la comidita se le va a ir introduciendo entre el sexto y el noveno mes. Cosa que ya hemos comenzado a hacer.
Hubo un momento alrededor de Enero que incluso Erika ya le queria dar su comidita tipo papillita, pero yo le decia que aun no. Y es numerosos estudios cientificos siguen señalando que los babies deben comer su leche materna lo mas que puedan. A muchos babies les quitan el pecho a los tres meses de edad, y a otros ni si quiera los amamantaron. Y por eso los problemas.
Quetzalli... aunque en este chistoso video sales devorandote una jugosa manzana, en verdad era solo juego. Tu primer papillita te la dimos poco despues de haber cumplido tus seis meses, es decir, hace un mes. Fue de platano, y te la compramos tu mami y yo en las farmacias de Guadalajara. Tu primer juguito fue de manzana. Aunque el juguito fue mas reciente, y diluido en agua.
No hemos exagerado en darte papillitas o juguitos desde entonces. Sino que ha sido algo progresivo. No queremos que sea de golpe y porrazo, pues queremos que tu te vayas acostumbrando a la transicion de la leche materna a la comida solida. Ademas de que estamos viendo como reacciones ante los sabores. Dice tu mami que tu favorito es el de mango.
Lo cierto es que ha cambiado por completo la forma de irte acostumbrando a la comidita. Antes era la leche materna. Pero la transicion ha comenzado. Y hay veces que llego de la calle, y estas toda embadurnada de color naranja tu boquita y tu baberito. Asumo que por el mango o el durazno. Es muy chistoso cuando tu mami te da papillita de pasitas, porque te manchas de moradito.
Ahorita tienes siete meses, y estas muy bonita. Para el noveno tal vez ya te estemos dejando ahora si la leche materna. Lo bueno es que aprovechaste muy bien el calostro de tu mami. Y dicen que eso es bueno, porque te ayuda contra enfermedades. Y en verdad no te has enfermado. Ya van siete meses de que has estado en este mundo, y no te has enfermado, a excepcion de principios de una gripita. Pero fuera de eso, has estado muy bien. Ojala que cuando crezcas sigas alimentandote bien, porque eso evita que caigas en males y enfermedades. Y lo que yo deseo es que sigas siendo una niña sana y fuerte.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Video de Quetzalli en su andadera
Hola baby Quetzalli! Aqui esta tu video donde sales jugando en tu andadera. Aunque al principio no te habia gustado, poco a poco le fuiste agarrando cariño. Aqui sales jugando con tu espejito de estrellita y tu ranita. Incluso ya hasta puedes aplastar a la ranita, la cual hace cancioncitas.
Este es solo un video de muchos que te he tomado. Ire subiendo los videos a este blog.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Quetzalli's first steps in her baby walker
We seated Quetzalli in her brand-new baby walker, which at first she did not liked. Whenever we putted Quetzalli in her baby walker, she would cry or either get nervous. As I said to her mommy, she almost look terrified.
She seated with her hands grabbing the sides of the walker. And after a few moments of being there, she would ignore her toys, and start crying.
But yesterday it was different. We put Quetzalli in her baby walker, and at first she was nervous again. She felt not confident. Her little hands grabbing the side of her seat. But surprisingly, she began putting her little feet in the ground... and started pushing! She began to move the baby walker backwards. We were all surprised. I went to grab the video camera and film her.
When I got back, whith my equipment, she was all happy and secure in her walker. At least she was not scared of being alone in her walker. Even that she is still small, she was able to move slowly the walker. Her devilish look while moving her baby made me believe she was going to be a joyful girl. At some point Quetzalli got excited and do small jumps. Her little feet moved very funny, as if she really had a liberating feeling.
Quetzalli lasted about an hour playing in her walker. We were watching her, while I was filming her movements and facial expressions. Her playful and lively eyes indicated she was having a blast! But as time passed, I guess she got tired and began to cry.
Her mommy and me were so proud of our young playful daughter.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Quetzalli en Teotihuacan
I want to tell you a little bit about your first trip to Teotihuacan, and the first to any pyramids in Mexico.
After leaving Mexico City, we too the road to the pyramids, which goes through Ecatepec and Acolman. It was on December 31, 2006, on the final hours of the year. We arrived to Teotihuacan around noon. Once we were there, we prepared you to go out, with your warm clothes and us putting the kangaroo carrier.

At first your mommy was carrying you, when we entered into the ancient and desserted city. We saw the pyramids at far, so I told your mother that I should be the one carrying you in the kangaroo carrier. So I put it, and put you inside, with your face towards me.
At some moments you were crying, but then you got tired, and fell asleep. We continued walking and exploring palaces with you in my belly. You were wearing your red cap we bought you in San Juan del Rio, so you wouldn't get any cold air bother you. And we kept walking until we reached the base of the pyramids. Well, not exactly the base, because your mommy was tired. But it was pretty near.
Over there we took pictures. Then your mommy carried you, because I went up to the pyramid top. You stayed with your mommy in a small pyramid eating.
The following day, we noticed that your cheeks were red as strong blushes. Only that we discovered they weren't blushes, but sun burn. Apparently your delicate light skin got burned under the Sun of Teotihuacan. This has been the first this has ever happened to you. I don't know if this will happen to you again when you grow up. But now we know you have delicate skin to take care of whenever we are again doing any trip in the outdoors.