Monday, November 13, 2006

Quetzalli's first Halloween!

Quetzalli's first Halloween!

October 31, 2006 was Quetzalli's first Halloween. Her first costume was a Tootsie Roll her grandma bought. On that day, we all went to go trick-or-treating all over town. I was the one driving while Erika carried Quetzalli. Whenever we spotted a house giving out treats, I immediately parked at some distance. I had to grab Quetzalli at some parts while Erika waited inside the car. Sometimes they both went trick-or-treating while I filmed them. It was easy to spot those houses because they had music or Halloween decorations all over the place.

Since she is small - just born a couple of months ago - we decided to make the trip short. But it was worth it. Quetzalli brought back home an outstanding booty being her first time.

Above is a picture of candies. Can you identify where Quetzalli is? We ate the candy in order to make sure were Quetzalli was. It was confusing!