Thursday, August 03, 2006

Your first party, the babyshower!

Hello baby girl! How are you doing inside you mommy's belly. Great, I imagine. You're growing so fast. Faster than we thought. Your mom and me were predicting that you will probably come out to be tall. Or with thick bones, maybe, as me. Obviously this is our first pregnancy, and we are discovering new things, like seeing a belly being inflated as a ballon.

Let me tell you, baby girl, that last Saturday you had your first party: your baby shower! And indeed it was a shower of presents for you. Here you have a beautiful baby girl who hasn't arrived to our world yet, and she's already recieving tons of presents. I was not present during your baby shower, because it was meant to be only for women. So I was secluded in our house in the back, we're you live right now. Well, not exactly. Because once in a while I peeped through the windows trying to catch some gossip of what was going on inside.

Apparently they played games, and some won prizes. But all of them gave you presents. Afterwards, during that night, your mom and I were analyzing each present. They were clothes, mainly, and toys or bags. Technically the bags are for us, in order to keep and carry your everyday needs once you are born. But of course, baby girl, they're for you. All presents were thought for you. You see how many people are giving you presents, doesn't matter how many or how expensive, but indeed the intention is recognizable. When I thought of how many varied presents you recieved, I remembered another baby. That baby was born more than 2,000 years ago. And eventhough he was born very poor around animals, he undoubtly recieved presents in order to welcome him. Jesus recieved gold, incense and myrrh. It meant a lot during those times. Of course you are still unborn, but you see baby girl, people are already thinking about you even before you are born.

You will be followed by many, or at least have importance over a signicant number of persons. You are very special. Not many babies recieve that much attention. Now imagine the unborn like you. Are still forming in your mommy's belly, and people already welcome your arrival, present you gifts, and ask about you. That is how your life will be. You will have a degree of importance when you grow up. How much will it be, I ignore it. But I just know, baby girl, that you will be not only special, but important.

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